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Tove Learning Trust Members

Academy trusts are founded by Members who have a general duty to exercise their powers, to further the academy trust’s charitable purpose. Members provide independent oversight to the work of the board of trustees to ensure suitable accountability for decision making and strategy.

Martin Lawrence MBE

Martin Lawrence MBE has been supporting school governing boards for more than twenty years. He has also been a governor at a wide range of schools, including vice-chair of Sponne Academy. He was the Leadership and Governance Adviser for Northamptonshire County Council from 2000 until 2013 and vice-chair of the National Co-ordinators of Governor Services.

Martin is a director of GLM, the not for profit organisation that accredits schools with Governor Mark and is a trustee of Governors for Schools, a national charity recruiting, training and supporting school governors. Martin has worked with more than 300 governing boards, undertaken 32 external governance reviews and overseen the work of 10 interim executive boards. He is a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Educators in the City of London.

Registered Office:
Tove Learning Trust, c/o Sponne School, Brackley Road, Towcester, Northamptonshire, NN12 6DJ
01327 350284

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Registered Number: 07525820

Registered Number: 07525820