What is very special about being part of Tove Learning Trust is they recognise that every school environment and context is different and they trust you to make the best decisions for your own school setting.

What is very special about being part of Tove Learning Trust is they recognise that every school environment and context is different and they trust you to make the best decisions for your own school setting.
Although we are collectively part of Tove Learning Trust, we have retained our individual branding and Team Rushden values. We have been able to take the best bits from schools within the trust and retain all the best parts of what we do so well.
Working with highly professional educationalists is a huge advantage, we share the same goal which is ensuring all pupils achieve their best outcomes. The calibre of staff within the trust is excellent, they are highly skilled and knowledgeable and without directly telling you what to do they challenge our thinking effectively across whole school initiatives and improvements.
The support received from other schools is second to none, we have shared many teaching resources and ideas; we have also supported each other in times of need e.g. IT advice and guidance and with whole school protocols and policy. Quality assuring practice has secured improvements across the school, the School Improvement Directors work directly in partnership with the various Heads of Department driving up standards across departments and sharing great practice. We are aware of where the subject strengths lie across the trust and reach out when required.
There are a range of schools to visit including primary and secondary. Having so many secondary schools in the trust is a benefit because there is a wealth of support on offer. As a member of Tove Learning Trust there are regular opportunities for us as a school to share and showcase our expertise with other schools. Staff are able to contribute to the regular TLT newsletter that is circulated to all schools. In addition to this, Teaching and Learning leads across all schools meet regularly to share good practice and to offer school to school support using expertise in each school.
As a result of this collaboration and partnership, our Progress 8, attainment 8 and percentage of students achieving grade 4 and 5 or more in English and Maths have all increased. Our data also shows that the gaps between boys and girls outcomes is reducing. We are also pleased to report improving outcomes for SEND, disadvantaged and EAL students. Being part of such an effective trust has a real benefit for all of our young people.
Jane Burton
Tove Learning Trust Director of Safeguarding, Previous Rushden Academy Principal
Ben Baines
Rushden Academy, Hayway, Rushden, Northamptonshire, NN10 6AG