Water Hall have been part of Tove Learning Trust since September 2020.

Water Hall have been part of Tove Learning Trust since September 2020.
From the very first moment, Tove Learning Trust has listened to us and allowed us the autonomy to make the correct decisions on our improvement journey, whilst also making sure the appropriate levels of support are available when needed. We share the same vision of the trust; ‘inspiring educational experiences that lead to outstanding outcomes’.
The trust has two other primary schools with whom we collaborate and share expertise, all without judgement or competition. These professional dialogues allow the individual schools’ visions to be at the forefront of the development, allowing schools to meet their own needs and the needs of their own communities.
Tove Learning Trust has a number of School Improvement Directors who we can call upon at any time for support and guidance. They listen, and make sure that the advice shared will be beneficial to the school and the situation, making it bespoke for each of us.
We never feel isolated and are always kept up to date with Trust and national initiates through a number of different methods; regular Heads meetings, visits from the CEO, Director of Education, Teaching and Learning leads discussions and newsletters. Support is only a phone call away if and when required. Knowing that this support is available allows us to make well informed decisions needed to continue on our journey to providing outstanding outcomes for our school community. It has been especially helpful to be part of a large MAT during these unprecedented times as we have been able to discuss national policy together in order to all have the same vision.
Through the guidance, support and encouragement offered by Tove Learning Trust, the aspirations we have for the children and the local community are now becoming a reality. We look forward to our continued collaboration in the future.
Becky McGuire
Former Headteacher
Water Hall Primary School, Fern Grove, Bletchley, Milton Keynes, MK2 3QF