We are thrilled to announce that New Horizons Academy becomes the 14th school to join Tove Learning Trust. New Horizons Academy is an alternative education provider for learners aged 5 to 11 years in Northamptonshire who require a more specialised learning environment due to social, emotional, and behavioural concerns.
The academy offers an effective education programme that includes a strong wrap-around approach to enable learners to build their confidence, overcome barriers to learning, and progress to a positive next step in their lives, achieving beyond their expectations.
David Bishop, the Headteacher of New Horizons Academy, said, "We are delighted to be joining Tove Learning Trust and see it as significant and important in our journey of continuous improvement. Before joining TLT, we were amazed with the level of support given in all areas by the Trust. The expertise across Tove is second to none and staff and pupils will benefit enormously from staff training and professional development that will now become available. We are excited by the anticipated improvements to the school building that will take place and the impact that this will have on the outcomes for our pupils, and the well-being of our staff. The ethos and values of TLT and New Horizons Academy align seamlessly and we look forward to a successful future, working together to benefit our pupils and their futures."
Jamie Clarke, CEO of Tove Learning Trust: “We welcome our colleagues from New Horizons Academy to the Northamptonshire hub of the trust. We are excited about expanding our educational provision to support pupils who face challenges in accessing education in mainstream schools. We look forward to working together to ensure we provide inspiring education that leads to outstanding outcomes for all pupils.”